GuideMeMalta got in touch with this website to write a series of articles on Dwejra, making use of some of the information, images and videos on this site. You may find a list of these articles here: Article 1Article 2
Thanks to all who packed the hall this evening to hear my talk about Dwejra at Cafe Scientifique. Now it’s up to each and every one of you to continue spreading the word! Here are some pictures from the event, thanks to Colleen Bower.
MaltaToday published an article on the occasion of the one-year anniversary of the Azure window’s demise. Amongst other material, it featurs my video of the remains, which you may view at the link below:
Join this coming weekend for a half-day of activities at Dwejra, where I will be leading on-site tours to explain the myriad beauty and importance of this site, from its night skies to the underwater realm. More information can be found in this article:
A photograph I captured of Dwejra’s night sky with a view to increase awareness of the need to protect the dark sky heritage of this site has made it to the front page of a local newspaper, The Malta Independent (20th July 2017), helping to spread the word about the importance of conserving this aspect of Dwejra. By engaging with
You may now watch this new, short video clip that I have put together for the Dwejra Steering Committee, showcasing some of the beauty of the site of Dwejra. You may read more about the aspects highlighted in this clip on the various pages of this website.
This is my letter published in the Times of Malta on the 12th of March 2017, emphasising the need to protect all the beauty that remains – and is often overlooked – at Dwejra. The Azure Window was a beautiful feature of the site, but Dwejra is much more than this. Direct link to letter:
This is some footage I recorded on the 13th of March during the first dive upon the Azure Window remains, following its collapse. The dive team consisted of a group of 5 divers with a combined experience of over thirty thousand dives. Additional information is available below: Feature on TVM: Photo of the week on ToM: Feature on Scuba
This afternoon I flew my drone over the Azure window. This image shows what seem to be the remains of the Azure window, which now find new life underwater. A short video clip is found below.
The number of posts on social media related to the collapse of the Azure Window, or ‘Tieqa tad-Dwejra’ as it is known in Maltese, reached uncountable levels soon after the incident. Pictures of ‘the arch that had been’ flooded news portals, Facebook, and everything else in between. It is understandable, of course. This was a spectacular and iconic natural landmark